Rich colours of summer - inspiration for making contemporary jewellery

Rich colours of summer - inspiration for making contemporary jewellery

Sue Lane
1 minute read

I love the warm rich colours of summer. The heat and warmth has certainly 'baked' our landscape here in Herefordshire - it's been such joy to enjoy a 'proper' summer this time around. However, we had some rain this weekend but today the sun is shining again! 

Top image: raindrops on the jewellery studio windows.

Pink thistle with field of corn behind the jewellery making studioA lovely splash of pink thistle against the golden yellows of a field of corn.

Golden yellow seed heads in the field behind the jewellery making studioGolden yellow seed heads, dry and parched in one of the hedgerows I pass everyday while walking the dog.

Field of corn in front of my jewellery making studioField of corn in front of my jewellery making studio.

Sue Lane at the bench

It has been incredibly hot in the jewellery making studio. On Thursday I gave in; the conditions beat me. I turned off all the equipment and lights in the studio that give out so much heat. Put my floaty silk dress on and planned pieces for Goldsmiths' Fair 2018. Such a good move.

A section of gold rings

A selection of contemporary gold rings that work together well as a collective. 


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