7 days: my collections

Sue Lane
1 minute read

This is my week long project to bring you images of my collections. Multiples and sets are an important aspect to my work, and I love arranging objects, jewellery, flower etc. so they work in a group. I hope you enjoy having a peek.

Day One: Friday

Ceramics I have swapped, bought or have been given as a gift. All handmade by UK makers.

Day Two: Saturday


Day Three: Monday (let's pretend it's Sunday!)

Pieces of sea polished glass I collected on our honeymoon in the south of France.

Day Four: Monday

Beautiful black pebbles I collected on our first wedding anniversary from Blackpool Sands near Dartmouth.

Day Five: Tuesday

Old maps are fascinating; I love the line and proportion of the drawings. This one is from Leominster Museum.

Day Six: Wednesday

The Primrose family.

Day Severn: Thursday


Hope you have enjoyed the week of images.

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